
Services for the Institutions :

QCG has decades of experience helping higher educational institutions of all types, address strategic issues such as performance improvement, operating efficiency, cost management and reduction, growth strategy, organizational effectiveness and funding strategy.

QCG wishes to bring together educational experts concerned about the impact of globalization upon local communities and especially on higher education institutions.

Here’s a brief look at what we do.

Operations Alignment

The speed of change necessary to compete and succeed in today’s
world is ever increasing. Keeping all parts of the institution aligned and delivering effectively can be challenging. We review what works, what doesn’t and what needs to change. Our goal is to help align and optimize all the functions that support international strategy: student recruitment, admissions, marketing, market research, student retention and mediator relationships (agents and international partnerships). Operations

Researching Market Dynamics

Markets are in constant flux and conditions can change abruptly. It’s important to know the dynamics of the market: where potential risks lie and where making mistakes can be expensive. We deliver research which uncovers market size, shape, drivers, competition, accessibility, cost and trends.